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AUC Student Aims for Change through Online Radio

Hesham working on one of his podcasts [Suhayla Al -Sheikh]


Bedayt El Tagheer (The Start of Change), an online radio show launched last summer, explores a wide range of social and environmental problems in Egypt, says its creator and host Amr Hesham.

“The idea of the show [is] mainly to tackle certain issues we face here in Egypt, talk about them, and discuss how they were solved in other countries by giving inspirational examples – like the carpooling idea for instance,” said Hesham, mechanical engineering senior.

Hesham says that the show is designed to give audiences small and simple solutions that one can implement, which would ultimately make a big difference in how everyday problems are dealt with.

So far, three episodes have been recorded and uploaded online.

As his workload gradually increased, Hesham decided to recruit a team to help manage the show.

“I do have a team now working with me, and each person has his own role but we still need more people,” said Hesham.

With the help of the internet and social media, the show has been expanding. The team is currently trying to figure out innovative ways to improve the show; recruiting new members has taken on strategic priority for future success.

Hesham says he may have to recruit non-AUCians, but prefers AUCians because it is easier to meet on campus.

“We have mainly four teams [working on the show], which are Public Relations (PR), Script Writing, Editing and Resource Gathering,” added Hesham. With the show’s heavy workload, the four teams work together extensively, at times having to delve into each other’s fields.

Hesham stressed, however, that each team has its own role. The PR team, for example, is responsible for online marketing through social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter which is essential for increasing exposure.

The script writers, on the other hand, are the ones who write down specifically the content which is to be compiled with what the resources team gathered said Hesham.

This team goes through extensive research, and may even conduct surveys – or any other method necessary – to gather the information they need.

Finally, the editing team makes sure that the episode is being recorded, and then checks to see if anything needs to be edited or adjusted for the final cut.

One of the reasons behind the show’s success results from the entire Bedayt El Tagheer team’s hard work.

When asked of future plans for the radio show, Hesham replied, “I plan to have the idea offered and done on an FM radio station; also, taking initiative of having projects formed on ground that tackle such issues, with NGOs and actual organizations, so there can be awareness and an actual impact on ground.”