The Anxious Writer: Chapter Four
Loss. We all have different associations with the word. We all stumbled onto it in some form or another. We
Read MoreViewpoints, commentary and perspectives from The Caravan
Loss. We all have different associations with the word. We all stumbled onto it in some form or another. We
Read MoreEntering into a scent of Black America’s perfumes lays a revival of one people’s story. . .Her-story, that is.
Read Moreلم يكن وقع هذا الخبر صادما لي بصراحة، بل لن أنكر أنني شعرت ببعض من الراحة بمعرفتي أن معاناة نساء مصر هي أصعب معاناة عالميا لأنني حقا لا أتخيل وضعا أسوأ من هذا.
Read MoreIt seems callous that some may see the celebration as being negligent of the hardships of the Egyptian people, while being oblivious to the fact that it has reached some of the very same disadvantaged Egyptians they claim to care about.
Read MoreBeing homesick means so much more than simply missing your hometown. At first you conclude that ‘home’ is just a fictional space, and that what is home is who you find at ‘home.’
Read MoreBut I know today I am a different person. I still miss him and it still breaks my heart and I still struggle to understand that I will always have a void and that there will never be anyone to fill it.
Read MoreEver since that bitter September day in 2013 I have been open about speaking about my father, about the loss and about my feelings towards it.
Read MoreSure, there’s a wide range of anti-Muslim rhetoric going on in the world right now, but if people choose to be bigoted, xenophobic and racist, that’s on them.
Read MoreBut it’s getting better every day; I ride with a little more confidence and cross the streets where I’m not supposed to with a little less fear.
Read MoreIt all felt like a regular conversation until we uttered the word, “anxiety” and I could suddenly see every moment I thought I was going to die materialize before me. I recalled every time the Google search suggested a different disease.
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