Day Whatsitnow? I’m Losing Count in Quarantine
Still, for the first time ever, I got some first-hand experience of what university graduates feel like, even though I am but a mere junior. I miss AUC and I miss my AUC friends.
Read MoreViewpoints, commentary and perspectives from The Caravan
Still, for the first time ever, I got some first-hand experience of what university graduates feel like, even though I am but a mere junior. I miss AUC and I miss my AUC friends.
Read MoreThey say quarantine favors the introverted and it definitely does.
Read MoreFor some reason, a lot of people have started going back to working from the office, which is bewildering since we all know the coronavirus is far from gone.
Read MoreSince the shelter at home order, there has been nothing but silence.
Read MoreOddly enough, the days when I have online classes are the best. It’s a reason to wake up early, to see some friends’ and colleagues’ faces and to talk to some of my professors.
Read Moreالأمل هو الشيء الوحيد الذى يجعلنا ننتظر الغد ولا نخاف منه. لدي أمل أن هذه الغمة ستزول وتعود حياتنا لطبيعتها ولكن هل سنكون تعلمنا دروس جديدة؟
هل أسلوب حياتنا سيتغير؟
هل سنعيد ترتيب أولوياتنا؟
هل اهتماماتنا ستتغير؟
Strike two, he wasn’t wearing a mask.
Read MoreStill, there are moments of insanity where all I want to do is run away.
Read Moreولكن على الرغم من كل السلبيات اللي ممكن أكون معرفتش أعبر عنها بالكامل، الجانب الإيجابي هو تواصلي وقربي من أولادي وقعدتي معاهم فترة كبيرة جدا في اليوم وكمان لقيت فرصة إني أقرب من ربنا أكثر
Read MoreStaying at home for this long is challenging, which is why I’m constantly looking for good coping mechanisms.
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