Denmark Diaries: Chapter One
But it’s getting better every day; I ride with a little more confidence and cross the streets where I’m not supposed to with a little less fear.
Read MoreViewpoints, commentary and perspectives from The Caravan
But it’s getting better every day; I ride with a little more confidence and cross the streets where I’m not supposed to with a little less fear.
Read MoreIt all felt like a regular conversation until we uttered the word, “anxiety” and I could suddenly see every moment I thought I was going to die materialize before me. I recalled every time the Google search suggested a different disease.
Read Moreكنت أتصفح بعض المنشورات على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي، فيسبوك كالعادة حتى لفت نطري منشورا يقول «الطيور التي تولد في القفص، تعتقد أن الحرية جريمة.»
Read MoreThey tell you a lot about spending a semester abroad but they don’t tell you that rather than simply missing all of your previous privileges, you grow hyper-aware but thankful for having had them in the first place.
Read MoreTake the word ‘apartheid’ for example — rarely does the mere mention of the word ever convey many feelings or emotions upon hearing it, regardless of all the cruelty it is charged with.
Read MoreIf the housekeeping staff becomes subcontracted, they will no longer see AUC as a place of employment, but merely as a site of work.
Read MoreThe day Netflix aired 13 Reasons Why I felt a knot form in the pit of my stomach.
Read MoreWe often have a certain stock image of what constitutes an underdeveloped country: heavily crowded, dirty slums, high crime rates and possible political unrest spread throughout. During Spring Break I visited the anomaly of all underdeveloped countries: Nepal.
Read MoreAfter a protracted delay, the AUC Senate last week discussed the issue of surveillance cameras on campus and whether these impinged on academic freedom and privacy.
Read MoreEgyptian women have never owned any aspect of the public space, not only when it comes to protesting, but even when it comes to exercising some of the simplest and most basic rights like going out for a walk at night or wearing what would be seen as ‘revealing’ — all signs that a woman is “asking for it”.
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